When this ordeal is all said and done, there will be countless people that I will be forever indebted. First and foremost. Tuuli. She took my man for the summer, put some nice CH on him, won a Group 1 and a BIS 3 and had some simple lovely bitches bred to him. She is my friend for life.
Nelli, who I just met this past Specialty. I invited her to come and spend a relaxing week with us, and then asked her to change her plans so she could escort my new baby home. She did this without flinching. I am totally grateful.. She is my friend for life.
And last but certainly not least.. Chrissie.. Who I totally met briefly in Wisconsin. Not only did she help in the beginning making sure Tanner and Tuuli got on the plane safely in Chicago, when this all began to fall apart this week, she took over. Her parents ( whom I have never met) will travel with my new baby. She will pick her up, spend the night with her, love her to death and than get Nelli on the plane to me. She called numerous friends at Finair to track down Tuuli's flight and ticket information for her and the dogs. I truly believe that had it not been for her, this would have fallen apart days ago. She is my friend for life.
Thank you ladies.. I don't know if I will ever be able to repay you for what you did for me this week, but I want you to know that whatever you need, and whenever you need it, I am there for you.
Thank you.