Thursday, March 29, 2012
Run kitty Run
SO. FIona is just a nut. She just looses it when she sees the kitty. She screams and whines and chases the kitty all over the garage until we yell at her and bring her back to reality. Well yesterday she again went over the top when Newell came home to let everyone out. But this time was different. FIona began to scream, and Frieda and Landon joined in and chased the kitty. Well, he ran out the door and in pursuit went the dogs. THe only difference was when Newell called them all back, everyone came running and Landon had a mouthful of kitty hair. Oh my.. The cat was nowhere to be found.. Hopefully he made it over the fence, but Iwould think it would be unluckily that we will see him soon. Here I thought getting rid of the cats was going to be tough and it has been, little did I know that I just should have let the dogs eat them..
Monday, March 26, 2012
No puppies again
SO. down this road again. Breed a bitch and no puppies. My only comfort is that Fiona was bred very young, probably younger than I have ever done before. Had Frieda or True gotten pregnant, than I would have not bred FIona until the next time SO The fact that she is not pregnant is really not the end of the world. So now I concentrate on Frieda and Hannah that is the goal to get the both of them bred.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Note to self
So note to self. Landon does not travel well. She is fine all day. eats her breakfast and dinner. Goes potty on the leash is not a barker. But oh my when it is time to go to bed, she is a nightmare. This is the second night now that I have been up with her. She whines and paces and then poops Not diarrhea but just poops. I have walked her twice through the night and now for the second night I have gotten very little sleepl I don't know if she is just stressed or what, but hopefully this will be the only time that we have to be away while she is with me because I cant do this too many more times.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
So much fun
So how much fun is it that I am in a Red Rood Inn with two dogs and one of them has not been feeling well. She has pooped 50 times today. Not loose but soft poops so she much have eaten something that didnt agree with her. So out at 8 last night with two pees and two poops Good now to bed because I am tired. 2 am we have to go out again. So here I am in Edison NJ right off the highway walking these dogs. I think, what would happen if someone were to take me. Would the dogs protect me. I doubt it. Well, I hope that if do go missing someone will remember where I was staying/ THis is so much fun.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Why Why Why
Off to the dog show. Bathed mimi and Landen. This morning the puppy is crying and whining to go out. Five am UGH.. So downstairs we go to let them out. She is clean and dry, Crosby is clean and dry. But... the two bathed show dogs, pooped and smelly. WHy is it that this always happens.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
small world
So we are getting ready to send some frozen semen over to Austrailia. THese nice people have loved Tanner for many years and finally I think I am comfortable with the process. So now we need to start the process. First off we need a bitch in season. As it happens a girl is coming this weekend from Canada. I may use her. She is also from Australia. I say to the lady, that I have a bitch coming that I will use to tease Tanner and by coincidence she is also from Austrailia. SHe asks me what her name is, and I tell her and it turns out that she bred her and exported her to Canada. What a really small world we live in...
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Airport security
SO, I took CHris and TRue down to the airport yesterday afternoon. I parked the car and tried to help her get the crate, luggage and dog in to the buidling. The policie officer said that I couldn't leave the car unattended but after watching Chris struggling with everything I guess he felt bad and told me that I could go in with her as long as I came right back out.
Well in we went. I dragged the crate into line and True decided to slip out of her collar and jump over the counter where the ticket agents were and run around. It was a pretty dicey moment trying to get her back. Well we did, but then I was so worried about my car that I just left and did not get to stay a proper goodbye to Chris.
WHew.. I wont miss that dog.
Well in we went. I dragged the crate into line and True decided to slip out of her collar and jump over the counter where the ticket agents were and run around. It was a pretty dicey moment trying to get her back. Well we did, but then I was so worried about my car that I just left and did not get to stay a proper goodbye to Chris.
WHew.. I wont miss that dog.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Finally over
So here I am laying in bed with this dog show week behind us. WHEW tired. I think everyone was exhausted, even the dogs didn't wake us up this morning and we slept in until 7. We had a great weekend Mimi won 4 more points so is now at 13 and hopefully will finish her CH this coming weekend. Tanner won the breed on the one day I showed him. CHris did a great job judging the SPeicalty and that went off without a hitch. Aiden is with Jill and seems to be making his adjustments. Puppies are growing and beginning to look really nice Landen is here andl looks great. SO a few minutes of peace and then off and running for another week.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
The longest week
THank God it is nice out. I am sitting in the backyard with a glass of wine waiting for NEwell to come home. It is only Thursday and I feel like I have been run over by a truck. 3 days of work, two LONG days at the dog show and three more days to go. Tomorrow I actually show the dogs and Saturday is the big day. I think by the time Monday gets here I will be totally out of it. I don't care if we win or lose just to get through it will be a major accomplishment.
I told Newell on the phone that the house needed to be vacuumed because of the people coming this weekend to stay and he said I was breaking up Yeah My butt, breaking up If I have to vacuum tonight than he has to wash Mimi, I know how this will go.
I told Newell on the phone that the house needed to be vacuumed because of the people coming this weekend to stay and he said I was breaking up Yeah My butt, breaking up If I have to vacuum tonight than he has to wash Mimi, I know how this will go.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
busy week coming up
so today starts he busy week. Today work nd than over to York to help set up the building for the big show. tomorrow show and than work in the afternoon. thurday show all day. friday show and than go get Chris. Sat. big show, and than people over for dinner. Sun show and Monday chirs back tot he airport. Sometime in this mess is wash 3 dogs, make the supper, maybe vacuum and sleep. Maybe just take no doze and go for it.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
A welcome weekend off
SO. after a long week of puppies and collections for shipment I was home today. And boy oh boy do I live in a dirty house. I think maybe the dirtiest house around. So. I scrubbed and dusted and cleaned all day. Boy it felt good. But it also makes me want to go out and buy new furniture and paint all the walls and redo the bathrooms which we have no money for. SO I have to be content with just cleaning.
I did go to Target. My first time ever at a Target and it is now my favorite store. And not only that, there is a Starbucks attached. How did I not know of this.l Oh I remember now, I am never home and when I am never travel past my driveway.
I did go to Target. My first time ever at a Target and it is now my favorite store. And not only that, there is a Starbucks attached. How did I not know of this.l Oh I remember now, I am never home and when I am never travel past my driveway.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Back to Lessburg, cant believe it
So after spending the last 3 days down in Leesburg helping to whelp the Roxie babies, I made my way home last night. So tired but so glad to be back in my own bed with my honey. Than I get a call from the gal in Canada that needs Tanner fish TOMORROW.. OMG why didn't someone call me. I could have easily stayed over one more night, gotten up and taken him over there 10 min away and then headed home. But nooooo.. I have to head back down there this morning.
I did leave a message on the vets machine that cold be taken as a bit snide, but hey I was there all day yesterday. I spoke with the vet on the phone. THey could have said, Oh by the way Mrs. Cox. We have been talking with your lady and we need Tanner tomorrow. I mean how hard could that have been. I absolutely hate always being the smartest person in the room.
I did leave a message on the vets machine that cold be taken as a bit snide, but hey I was there all day yesterday. I spoke with the vet on the phone. THey could have said, Oh by the way Mrs. Cox. We have been talking with your lady and we need Tanner tomorrow. I mean how hard could that have been. I absolutely hate always being the smartest person in the room.
Friday, March 9, 2012
So after a long night of pacing and panting, our babies have begun to arrive. So far a beautiful girl and a beautiful boy. Roxie is doing great and we are ready to see what everyone else looks like.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Now we wait
SO.. I am here down at Georgeanne waiting on the Roxie babies. Temp began to fall yesterday, but these things take time and Roxie does not seem to be ready to start the process. So we wait. I think that this is the hardest part. Just being patient. I think we are too quick to run to the vet to take them out. But Roxie does such a good job giving birth I just want to wait and let her have them on her own. SO, we wait...
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Up dogs and Down dogs
I have always said that as long as you can do the feeding in one stage, you don't have too many dogs. Well, now I have two stages. With 9 dogs ( and they are not all mine) we have the up dogs and the down dogs FIrst we do the down dogs. Frieda, Willow Tanner and the two babies. THan the up dogs True, Fiona Mimi and Aiden. SO officially there are too many dogs here. BUt like I said they are not all mine. Newell said that really doesn't matter if we are still having to feed in two shifts. potato , potatoe
Monday, March 5, 2012
Finally some good news
So, after 3 missed bitches we finally have puppies coming Our Roxie never lets us down. We have at least 9 puppies coming this weekend from the great Finnish dog Pink Panther. We are just over the moon excited. Roxie, our big, lug who doesn't know how big she is has just become number one dog in my heart. way to go,
What a great time
So back from the weekend in Mass. We had such a great time and laughed so hard my face hurt. The best was Dayna walking in the ring for BOB with Camden but it really was only Winners Bitch. Way to go girl. The people were so nice and welcoming. I think I will put this show on my dog show calendar for next year as well. Now, Monday all the stuff to get done before the rest of the week, and then down to G for puppies, puppies puppies.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
No Voice
So out to dinner last night with some great people from up here and I lose my voice. What a bummer. I cant talk Kristen says it is because I was talking too much but I cant believe that was the reason. I think it was the air conditioner in the hotel room. But anyway my voice is back and I can now talk. I am sure everyone is relieved.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
All gone
So to continue the saga. We are here in Massachusettes and the weather is cold and rainy.. So I have my great dog show coat that we bought in California at Eukanuba. And when I put the coat on, not only are the pockets chewed out which I told you about last time but the entire half of the coat is gone. Chewed away including the zipper. SO I am here in Mass with this terrible weather and I have only half a coat. Thank you Mimi really appreciate it. I guess I will just have to steal Bobs coat when I go down there again.
Friday, March 2, 2012
what is that?
So not a lot of people know this about me but I am particulary curious about what the dog poops look like. Most importantly, what if anything is in the poop Well the last couple of days, Mimis poop has had something curious in it. I could not figure it out but it certainly was foreign. So imagine my surprise this morning when I finally figured out what in the world this dog had eaten. I went to put on my coat. and I no longer have any pockets. THey are completely chewed away. I guess I must have had some cookies in there and Mimi has decided that this would be her midnight snack. She just ate the pockets right out of my coat Well there you go. I give up.
Road Trip
So off to Springfield Mass. Me, Sue,Kristen and Mimi and my swollen arm all going to the dog show. I hope that I get make it though. The arm is sore, but I have the girls to help me drag my stuff in and out of the building.
I am not talking to Frieda
I am not talking to Frieda
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Karma is a bitch
So today was karma day. I had my old lady come in for her groom. She usually is really grouchy and tries to bite me. Today well she nearly got me. She stepped off the back of the table and I caught her and she went for me. I was quick and she just bruised me.. WHEW crisis averted.. I hate when I get bit.
Now, I come home. ANd let everyone out and went back up to get Mimi for her dog show bath and True got out and her and Frieda went at it. I tried to separate them and got bit.. I got bit quite a few times. I now have 4 stitches in my arm. So the question is if today was the day to get bit was it better to get it from the ancient old dog at the shop that probably would not have done too much damage or from my two very hateful bitches whose mission is to kill each other.
Anyway, I guess my karma today was to get bit and boy did I get it.
Now, I come home. ANd let everyone out and went back up to get Mimi for her dog show bath and True got out and her and Frieda went at it. I tried to separate them and got bit.. I got bit quite a few times. I now have 4 stitches in my arm. So the question is if today was the day to get bit was it better to get it from the ancient old dog at the shop that probably would not have done too much damage or from my two very hateful bitches whose mission is to kill each other.
Anyway, I guess my karma today was to get bit and boy did I get it.
The whole day in the car
So yesterday is a blur. I got up qn drove to VA to pick up Timer and Fi. Timer is going to Wisconsin and needed to meet his ride. Than up to Harrisburg where we met Lisa to take Timer. Than back down to Hanover to work. All of this in the worst rain we have seen in a while. By the time I got home I was tired and hungry. Newell was not home yet, so fed the dogs and made the supper. And he wonders why I go to bed at 8 oclock
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