Thursday, May 3, 2012
Nice sweater
So my mom has found a new thrift store in the center of town that she visits everyday. She has started to take some of her clothes in, and than buying some clothes herself. My sister saw her the other day and my mom asked her if she liked her new sweater that she bought. Look how nice, Ralph Lauren. My sister asked where she got it, and my mom said the thrift shop Colleen said mom this is your sweater. No, it's not she said. My sister thinks that my mom is now buying back her own clothes that she has bought from the thrift shop. I told mere and we could not stop laughing. That would be so much like my mom.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Not this weekend
So, I drove back and forth to Deleware all weekend in search of one stickin point for Mimi. Well it wasn't to be. She is stuck on 14 points and sometimes that is the hardest place to be. The answer is to just breathe and stop stressing about it and know that it will happen. Just continue to enter her and show her and she will finish. She did go home to live with G. But now we have Rolex here to get ready for the Specialty, so we are still have way too many dogs.
Friday, April 27, 2012
It is just ridiculous
So Newell is standing in front of his dresser complaining about how none of his socks are matched up. He asks me if I even try to makes pairs. I have to admit and I do admit that no I don't try. When I do the laundry all of his socks get paired up by color and all of his socks are black. I just can't be bothered with the matching pairs. he says that I get on him for little things like not picking up the towels off the bathroom floor and he is right, but I just can't care about his socks. Maybe we should buy other colors. I don't know I probably won't care about that either.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Where has the time gone
Todsy is Mere's 24th birthday. OMG. How did that happen? She has grown into the most beautiful young woman and I am so proud of her. Sometimes our relationship has been tumultuous to say the least. But now we have a great friendship and I love and value her beyond words. I hope today is great for her and I can't wait to see her this weekend for her official birthday dinner. We will go and see the puppies and than go to a great restaurant in leesburg.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
All Done
so, I love it when a plan comes together because it happens so rarely. Well, Landen did it. With only one reserve she was undefeated and earned her championship in record time. She was truly deserving each and every time and we will be sorry to see her leave us. Hopefully she will be bred and we can get a puppy from her that is just as sweet and beautiful. Now, all we need is for Mimi to cooperate and finish this weekend
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Can she do it oday?
So, Landen came here about 4 weeks ago to be shown. Chris agreed to let me have her for a short time and than take her back home to Colorado after the Specialty in May. We have a lot of shows during this time of year, but 4 weeks is a really short time to get the championship but heather and I were up tot the challenge. We started showing her in Edison and with the exception of one show she has won every time. Now today we are in Baltimore. Yesterday she won for her first major and now has 13 points. If she wins today than she will be finished . It would be great to send her home with her championship but the dog show is a funny place and eventhough we may have the best dog today, the judge may not see it that way. Every day is different. So we go today hoping for the best but knowing that there is another dog show next weekend. Wish is luck.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Another dog show weekend
Hopefully we are coming to the end with my girls. We go into this weekend with Mimi just needed one point and Landen needing her majors. Sat and Sun both major days so Landen can finish and if the major breaks than hopefully Mimi gets her last point. both girls will get their hips and elbows xrayed this Wed and than both can go home. We have gotten used to the number and really they are all good. Even when they are all in the house it is not pandemonium like you would think. We have a routine and everyone knows what to do. In just a few weeks the new puppy comes and than we start teaching all over again.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Where to begin
THis has been a crazy few days. First, Landen won all three days in Harrisburg, she now has ten points and needs her major to finish. Hopefully that happens before she goes home, although Heather would like her to stay to be specialed a bit, but I dont think Chris is on board with that plan.
THan the draft test. We had a back to back draft test. THe draft judge is here with us We were up at 5:30 both days there all day and than on Saturday everyone came back here for hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill. I am a bit sunburned and very wiped out The judge goes home today so off to the airport this morning.
This week is just as crazy as last. Wed, YOrk meeting, Thursday Newel meeting. Sat, Sun and Monday dog show in Baltimore, And to top it off, it is going to be 90 degrees today. We need to take the pool cover off so I can swim..
THan the draft test. We had a back to back draft test. THe draft judge is here with us We were up at 5:30 both days there all day and than on Saturday everyone came back here for hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill. I am a bit sunburned and very wiped out The judge goes home today so off to the airport this morning.
This week is just as crazy as last. Wed, YOrk meeting, Thursday Newel meeting. Sat, Sun and Monday dog show in Baltimore, And to top it off, it is going to be 90 degrees today. We need to take the pool cover off so I can swim..
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Why did I say that?
SO I was having a conversation with Newell about Mimi. YOu know she is my big poop eater. SHe is obsessed with it. Really pretty disgusting. ANd to top it off she runs away from us. We chase her around the yard while she is gobbling up poop and we are screaming at her to stop/. Pretty funny if you are not the ones doing it. SO she is punished. Only out on a leash and only in the pen when they are outside. So last night I comment to Newell about how since we have kept her restrained she has been the perfect dog overnight. You see if she eats the poop eventually she cant keep it in and she poops and throws up over night. Really nice.. So again I say, so ever since Mimi has been restricted she has been great. This morning. No not poop, a flood of pee. She just cant run out of things to do that are annoying. Only one more point. YEA>>>>Love her but I think I will love her more from afar in her own house..
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
When is our vacation?
So this summer we have renteda house on the beach in Dewey and the whole family is going down. It is going to be great. But we really dont know when it starts. THis is an issue beacuse my sister is getting married and she called to ask when our vacation sttarted so she could pick a date. I asked Newell and he radomly tells me it starts Aug 11th. So Kelly picks the date Aug 4th. Just last week, Newell was invited to play gold and he tells me he cant go because the trip starts on the 4th and that is when we leave for vacation. I say no honey remember you toldmet he 11th and my sister is getting married on the 4th. SO. here we are now going to my sisters wedding and recxeption with all of our stuff in the car and than down to the beach. We lose a day and will have to shop and upack on Sunday all becausse Newell just wouldnt double check the dates. UGH...
Sunday, April 8, 2012
You hid the Eastter egg where??
So we are down with Newells familiy for Easter and because there are little kids we do an Easter egg hunt Well this year, there was only little Eva for the hunt. So, being the good sports that they are Andrew and Lesley agreed to participate. Darcy his the eggs some in plain sight for little Eva and some a bit more challenging to find for the big kids. Darcy comes in and says that one of the eggs she his in furnace pipe outside and it was now lodged beyond their grasp. Oh my,what to do? Turn the furnace off and hope that it doesnt explode or burn the house down or something like that. How to get the egg out without having to call someone in and take apart the side of the house. Aunt Debbie asks if anyone has a shop vac because that might be used to suck out the egg. Andrew says, yes I have one in the car. WHAT???? I SAY YOU HAVE WHAT IN YOUR CAR? I am sure that I have heard wrong. What in the world would the messiest person on the planet do with a shop vac? I was stunned. Well, he walked to the car and out came a shop vac, which they hooked up and sucked the egg out. Everyone applauded the hero of the day Andrew for haiving the vac. I just sat there in utter disbelief that my son would have a shop vac at all. Now, I will say that it was still in the box and had never been used, but still. He never ceases to amaze me.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Busy, busy, busy
Just when I think that my life will calm down it doesnt. This weekend, girl in for breeding from MIchigan, show tomorrow, easter sunday and I have to make mac and chess and scalopped potatoes. Who needs sleep. OK than Monday down to Leesburg again for freezing Tanner, than Friday dog show, airport to pick up draft judges than 2 days of draft with dinner at our house Sat night with all the draftees. :Oh and Newell back and forth to Harrisburg with Landon for her to show. WHEW.. Than Baltimore three days of shows. Than Del 3 days of shows than the SPeicaltiy where I am in charge of Morning hospitality and Performance. I am almost happy I don't have puppies here, that might have really put me over the top.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
The beauty of my job
So as many of you know I have thiis great job. Well, it is not that great, but I make really good money and work about 12 hours per week and pick my own schedule that revolves totally around the dogs and the dog show schedule. So, I basically go in three days a week, work really hard for aboutr 4 hours and come home This whole process relies on me having between 7and 8 dogs to do. I never stop and when I am done I am tired but go home. The onet hinge I hate is standing around the grooming shop and not working waiting for dogs to come in. So it is really important that I am booked. Well that has not been happening this week I have not had all of my dogs and I have been standing around waiting. I hate that. I really don't know if it my boss that is trying to make sure the other girl has a full book because she is there more than me, but for some reason I have not been full and it really is important that I am.
Monday, April 2, 2012
lymes again
So here in PA where the temp never went below 40 degrees all winter has a terrible tick problem even in the best of times. I am so hesistant to use the pesticides on the dogs but am forced to make a decision. Either use it or worry about them getting sick. Well, I compromise by just using it for the warmest months and very sparingly. But we still have some of them get sick and once they do, they are more susceptible to getting sick over and over. Well, this seems to be happening to my Fiona. Back in December when we returned from Eukanuba she was in extreme pain and had some paralysis in her face. We put her on the doxy and she cleared up. She still had a bit of facial paralysis but better. THat was until yesterday when she exhibited the tell tale signes. Stiffness in the leg, pain in her neck. So back on the doxy for 3weeks and we hope there is no permanent damage.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
He" back
So after a few days, the cat has been spotted no worse for where. I really thought he was smarter than this, but I guess he just cant get enough of the good life.. Lving in the garage, being harassed by a crazy dog and her friends and maybe a bowl of meow mix every once in a while. Really cat, there isn't anyone better out there in the world> I think you deserve better than us. Please go and find them...
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Run kitty Run
SO. FIona is just a nut. She just looses it when she sees the kitty. She screams and whines and chases the kitty all over the garage until we yell at her and bring her back to reality. Well yesterday she again went over the top when Newell came home to let everyone out. But this time was different. FIona began to scream, and Frieda and Landon joined in and chased the kitty. Well, he ran out the door and in pursuit went the dogs. THe only difference was when Newell called them all back, everyone came running and Landon had a mouthful of kitty hair. Oh my.. The cat was nowhere to be found.. Hopefully he made it over the fence, but Iwould think it would be unluckily that we will see him soon. Here I thought getting rid of the cats was going to be tough and it has been, little did I know that I just should have let the dogs eat them..
Monday, March 26, 2012
No puppies again
SO. down this road again. Breed a bitch and no puppies. My only comfort is that Fiona was bred very young, probably younger than I have ever done before. Had Frieda or True gotten pregnant, than I would have not bred FIona until the next time SO The fact that she is not pregnant is really not the end of the world. So now I concentrate on Frieda and Hannah that is the goal to get the both of them bred.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Note to self
So note to self. Landon does not travel well. She is fine all day. eats her breakfast and dinner. Goes potty on the leash is not a barker. But oh my when it is time to go to bed, she is a nightmare. This is the second night now that I have been up with her. She whines and paces and then poops Not diarrhea but just poops. I have walked her twice through the night and now for the second night I have gotten very little sleepl I don't know if she is just stressed or what, but hopefully this will be the only time that we have to be away while she is with me because I cant do this too many more times.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
So much fun
So how much fun is it that I am in a Red Rood Inn with two dogs and one of them has not been feeling well. She has pooped 50 times today. Not loose but soft poops so she much have eaten something that didnt agree with her. So out at 8 last night with two pees and two poops Good now to bed because I am tired. 2 am we have to go out again. So here I am in Edison NJ right off the highway walking these dogs. I think, what would happen if someone were to take me. Would the dogs protect me. I doubt it. Well, I hope that if do go missing someone will remember where I was staying/ THis is so much fun.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Why Why Why
Off to the dog show. Bathed mimi and Landen. This morning the puppy is crying and whining to go out. Five am UGH.. So downstairs we go to let them out. She is clean and dry, Crosby is clean and dry. But... the two bathed show dogs, pooped and smelly. WHy is it that this always happens.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
small world
So we are getting ready to send some frozen semen over to Austrailia. THese nice people have loved Tanner for many years and finally I think I am comfortable with the process. So now we need to start the process. First off we need a bitch in season. As it happens a girl is coming this weekend from Canada. I may use her. She is also from Australia. I say to the lady, that I have a bitch coming that I will use to tease Tanner and by coincidence she is also from Austrailia. SHe asks me what her name is, and I tell her and it turns out that she bred her and exported her to Canada. What a really small world we live in...
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Airport security
SO, I took CHris and TRue down to the airport yesterday afternoon. I parked the car and tried to help her get the crate, luggage and dog in to the buidling. The policie officer said that I couldn't leave the car unattended but after watching Chris struggling with everything I guess he felt bad and told me that I could go in with her as long as I came right back out.
Well in we went. I dragged the crate into line and True decided to slip out of her collar and jump over the counter where the ticket agents were and run around. It was a pretty dicey moment trying to get her back. Well we did, but then I was so worried about my car that I just left and did not get to stay a proper goodbye to Chris.
WHew.. I wont miss that dog.
Well in we went. I dragged the crate into line and True decided to slip out of her collar and jump over the counter where the ticket agents were and run around. It was a pretty dicey moment trying to get her back. Well we did, but then I was so worried about my car that I just left and did not get to stay a proper goodbye to Chris.
WHew.. I wont miss that dog.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Finally over
So here I am laying in bed with this dog show week behind us. WHEW tired. I think everyone was exhausted, even the dogs didn't wake us up this morning and we slept in until 7. We had a great weekend Mimi won 4 more points so is now at 13 and hopefully will finish her CH this coming weekend. Tanner won the breed on the one day I showed him. CHris did a great job judging the SPeicalty and that went off without a hitch. Aiden is with Jill and seems to be making his adjustments. Puppies are growing and beginning to look really nice Landen is here andl looks great. SO a few minutes of peace and then off and running for another week.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
The longest week
THank God it is nice out. I am sitting in the backyard with a glass of wine waiting for NEwell to come home. It is only Thursday and I feel like I have been run over by a truck. 3 days of work, two LONG days at the dog show and three more days to go. Tomorrow I actually show the dogs and Saturday is the big day. I think by the time Monday gets here I will be totally out of it. I don't care if we win or lose just to get through it will be a major accomplishment.
I told Newell on the phone that the house needed to be vacuumed because of the people coming this weekend to stay and he said I was breaking up Yeah My butt, breaking up If I have to vacuum tonight than he has to wash Mimi, I know how this will go.
I told Newell on the phone that the house needed to be vacuumed because of the people coming this weekend to stay and he said I was breaking up Yeah My butt, breaking up If I have to vacuum tonight than he has to wash Mimi, I know how this will go.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
busy week coming up
so today starts he busy week. Today work nd than over to York to help set up the building for the big show. tomorrow show and than work in the afternoon. thurday show all day. friday show and than go get Chris. Sat. big show, and than people over for dinner. Sun show and Monday chirs back tot he airport. Sometime in this mess is wash 3 dogs, make the supper, maybe vacuum and sleep. Maybe just take no doze and go for it.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
A welcome weekend off
SO. after a long week of puppies and collections for shipment I was home today. And boy oh boy do I live in a dirty house. I think maybe the dirtiest house around. So. I scrubbed and dusted and cleaned all day. Boy it felt good. But it also makes me want to go out and buy new furniture and paint all the walls and redo the bathrooms which we have no money for. SO I have to be content with just cleaning.
I did go to Target. My first time ever at a Target and it is now my favorite store. And not only that, there is a Starbucks attached. How did I not know of this.l Oh I remember now, I am never home and when I am never travel past my driveway.
I did go to Target. My first time ever at a Target and it is now my favorite store. And not only that, there is a Starbucks attached. How did I not know of this.l Oh I remember now, I am never home and when I am never travel past my driveway.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Back to Lessburg, cant believe it
So after spending the last 3 days down in Leesburg helping to whelp the Roxie babies, I made my way home last night. So tired but so glad to be back in my own bed with my honey. Than I get a call from the gal in Canada that needs Tanner fish TOMORROW.. OMG why didn't someone call me. I could have easily stayed over one more night, gotten up and taken him over there 10 min away and then headed home. But nooooo.. I have to head back down there this morning.
I did leave a message on the vets machine that cold be taken as a bit snide, but hey I was there all day yesterday. I spoke with the vet on the phone. THey could have said, Oh by the way Mrs. Cox. We have been talking with your lady and we need Tanner tomorrow. I mean how hard could that have been. I absolutely hate always being the smartest person in the room.
I did leave a message on the vets machine that cold be taken as a bit snide, but hey I was there all day yesterday. I spoke with the vet on the phone. THey could have said, Oh by the way Mrs. Cox. We have been talking with your lady and we need Tanner tomorrow. I mean how hard could that have been. I absolutely hate always being the smartest person in the room.
Friday, March 9, 2012
So after a long night of pacing and panting, our babies have begun to arrive. So far a beautiful girl and a beautiful boy. Roxie is doing great and we are ready to see what everyone else looks like.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Now we wait
SO.. I am here down at Georgeanne waiting on the Roxie babies. Temp began to fall yesterday, but these things take time and Roxie does not seem to be ready to start the process. So we wait. I think that this is the hardest part. Just being patient. I think we are too quick to run to the vet to take them out. But Roxie does such a good job giving birth I just want to wait and let her have them on her own. SO, we wait...
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Up dogs and Down dogs
I have always said that as long as you can do the feeding in one stage, you don't have too many dogs. Well, now I have two stages. With 9 dogs ( and they are not all mine) we have the up dogs and the down dogs FIrst we do the down dogs. Frieda, Willow Tanner and the two babies. THan the up dogs True, Fiona Mimi and Aiden. SO officially there are too many dogs here. BUt like I said they are not all mine. Newell said that really doesn't matter if we are still having to feed in two shifts. potato , potatoe
Monday, March 5, 2012
Finally some good news
So, after 3 missed bitches we finally have puppies coming Our Roxie never lets us down. We have at least 9 puppies coming this weekend from the great Finnish dog Pink Panther. We are just over the moon excited. Roxie, our big, lug who doesn't know how big she is has just become number one dog in my heart. way to go,
What a great time
So back from the weekend in Mass. We had such a great time and laughed so hard my face hurt. The best was Dayna walking in the ring for BOB with Camden but it really was only Winners Bitch. Way to go girl. The people were so nice and welcoming. I think I will put this show on my dog show calendar for next year as well. Now, Monday all the stuff to get done before the rest of the week, and then down to G for puppies, puppies puppies.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
No Voice
So out to dinner last night with some great people from up here and I lose my voice. What a bummer. I cant talk Kristen says it is because I was talking too much but I cant believe that was the reason. I think it was the air conditioner in the hotel room. But anyway my voice is back and I can now talk. I am sure everyone is relieved.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
All gone
So to continue the saga. We are here in Massachusettes and the weather is cold and rainy.. So I have my great dog show coat that we bought in California at Eukanuba. And when I put the coat on, not only are the pockets chewed out which I told you about last time but the entire half of the coat is gone. Chewed away including the zipper. SO I am here in Mass with this terrible weather and I have only half a coat. Thank you Mimi really appreciate it. I guess I will just have to steal Bobs coat when I go down there again.
Friday, March 2, 2012
what is that?
So not a lot of people know this about me but I am particulary curious about what the dog poops look like. Most importantly, what if anything is in the poop Well the last couple of days, Mimis poop has had something curious in it. I could not figure it out but it certainly was foreign. So imagine my surprise this morning when I finally figured out what in the world this dog had eaten. I went to put on my coat. and I no longer have any pockets. THey are completely chewed away. I guess I must have had some cookies in there and Mimi has decided that this would be her midnight snack. She just ate the pockets right out of my coat Well there you go. I give up.
Road Trip
So off to Springfield Mass. Me, Sue,Kristen and Mimi and my swollen arm all going to the dog show. I hope that I get make it though. The arm is sore, but I have the girls to help me drag my stuff in and out of the building.
I am not talking to Frieda
I am not talking to Frieda
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Karma is a bitch
So today was karma day. I had my old lady come in for her groom. She usually is really grouchy and tries to bite me. Today well she nearly got me. She stepped off the back of the table and I caught her and she went for me. I was quick and she just bruised me.. WHEW crisis averted.. I hate when I get bit.
Now, I come home. ANd let everyone out and went back up to get Mimi for her dog show bath and True got out and her and Frieda went at it. I tried to separate them and got bit.. I got bit quite a few times. I now have 4 stitches in my arm. So the question is if today was the day to get bit was it better to get it from the ancient old dog at the shop that probably would not have done too much damage or from my two very hateful bitches whose mission is to kill each other.
Anyway, I guess my karma today was to get bit and boy did I get it.
Now, I come home. ANd let everyone out and went back up to get Mimi for her dog show bath and True got out and her and Frieda went at it. I tried to separate them and got bit.. I got bit quite a few times. I now have 4 stitches in my arm. So the question is if today was the day to get bit was it better to get it from the ancient old dog at the shop that probably would not have done too much damage or from my two very hateful bitches whose mission is to kill each other.
Anyway, I guess my karma today was to get bit and boy did I get it.
The whole day in the car
So yesterday is a blur. I got up qn drove to VA to pick up Timer and Fi. Timer is going to Wisconsin and needed to meet his ride. Than up to Harrisburg where we met Lisa to take Timer. Than back down to Hanover to work. All of this in the worst rain we have seen in a while. By the time I got home I was tired and hungry. Newell was not home yet, so fed the dogs and made the supper. And he wonders why I go to bed at 8 oclock
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
So now we wait....again
Here we go again. Fiona is bred to TImer. Numbers were right on for her... His numbers were great. Now in 4 weeks we should find out if she is bred. Now, we have all been down this path before, so lets not get ahead of ourselves. I am getting calls day after day from people desperately wanting a puppy from me, and I am reluctant to even speak of this. I think that I am jinxing myself by talking about these breedings before they actually become a reality. SO maybe I should just be quiet about it and see if my Karma changes.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
stud dogs are dumb
so, stud dogs arre dumb. I sent my Fiona down to Timer to be bred. Well initially Timer was all over her, but after a few times he laid down and was very tired She stood over him and practically begged him to breed her even one time smackiing him in the face with hs tail but he was tired and went to sleep. I think stud dogs are dumb.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
No, not basketball
So,what we do for our kids Today, on a beautiful Sunday afternoon Newell and I are on our way to Harrisburg to watch Tyler play in a basketball game. Now, we have watched Tyler play a ton Mostly when he was on the final four team for the Georgetown Hoyas. Today I suspect will be a bit different. First off the game is in a middle school not at the Verizon center. Than he tells us that we will probably be the only fans there. And than when I ask Mere how long wilt he game be, she rolls her eyes and says that it truly the longest game ever and to bring my IPad so I can read my book. Now, how am I suppose to get excited about this when they are making it sooo desirable. Well, here goes nothing.
Friday, February 24, 2012
So Freida is not pregnant AGAIN... UGH.. Now what to do? There are two options. On the one hand, my vet says lets put her on some anti biotics for a few weeks, reculture her to make sure she no longer has her infection and than try her again. THe other vet, we like to call her Mega Vet would have us do a whole workup and than go for it. This would probably cost a few thousand dollars. I guess the third option would be to give up and just spay her. I know that Newell is feeling that this hole we have dug for ourselves is pretty large and hard to get out of. I am feeling the same way. We are breeding Fiona, but if there is an infection here, does she have it as well? i guess we find out after she is bred. I am feeling a bit stressed and sad. These damn dogs.. We not only have too many at the moment, the ones we have are not pulling their weight.. UGH>>>
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Too Many Dogs. Newell and I have always thought there would be a number A number of dogs that when we reached that number it would be too many. Well, I think we are getting close We have 8 dogs at the house right now. 8 is a lot. It is a lot when one is in season, two don't like each other and the boys are eyeing each other like don't get too close Now in my defense, True is not mine and neither is Mimi and both will be leaving for their homes in the near future, and Aiden wil be looking for a new home as well, so that gets us down to our normal number. Wish comes next week, and Roland also is not mine But this morning with everyone having a bark and trying to keep everyone in their place, it seems like TMD
Monday, February 20, 2012
Second day, not as good
I always say it is not about the winning Sure we all like to win and that is basically why we do this so we win, but in the end, everyone gets a chance. but... what happened at PV the second day was terrible. The judge ran her ring in such a way as to keep the entire gallery puzzled and confused. In the bred by class, she examined my girl and sent her to the front of the line. Well, that always means good things. So when some of the other girls came up behind us, we were all pretty jazzed that we were going to do well. Not so fast. After she was done with the class, she excused those of us that she had moved to the front. We were all shocked. I felt that it was pretty rude and disrespectful, but she is the judge.
In the breed she pretty much did the same thing with Tanner. We made the cut, she moved him again and than put him up front and told me to relax with him. When it was all said and done, he got nothing. I was so bummed. Not that we didnt win but that she had dangled the carrot in front of me. SO. the moral of this story, be prepared, don't count your chickens,, blah blah all the cliches. And NEVER show to this judge again. That should not be too hard to remember.
In the breed she pretty much did the same thing with Tanner. We made the cut, she moved him again and than put him up front and told me to relax with him. When it was all said and done, he got nothing. I was so bummed. Not that we didnt win but that she had dangled the carrot in front of me. SO. the moral of this story, be prepared, don't count your chickens,, blah blah all the cliches. And NEVER show to this judge again. That should not be too hard to remember.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
All is well
SO. we are traveling in the new RV at the dog show. It is truly amazing. Really big with all the high tech stuff you can imagine. THe only things is the TV is not the best. Now I could have predicted this. Anytime there is more than one remote and I am in charge, it is a pure disaster. SO. here we are this great flat screen TV and G and I cant figure out how to make it work. WE have no signal, than we have no local channel but can watch an hour of infomercials. We than have the channel long enough to figure out what the show is about and than it blacks out. BOy or boy BOB is in trouble
Oh. and by the way... Tanner was Select dog, so it is all well in the end.
Oh. and by the way... Tanner was Select dog, so it is all well in the end.
Friday, February 17, 2012
another dog show
Well my famous saying... next weekend is another dog show and there is no quicker way to get over a dog show loss than to go to the next dog show So we wash dogs again, and pack the car and than off to Frederick for the Specialty. It should be great Tons of Berners, Mimi and Tanner entered What could be better? Well, hopefully a win or two.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
So it has been a few days for me to get over the loss. And now I am over it. It is is hard to explain the expectations that come with this dog show every year and we go in trying to play down the expectations but year after year we go in thinking this is the year. And in our case we just come close but never win it Andrew says we are like the Ravens..a really good team that almost gets the big win But oh well, we are done We did it for 4 years,and except for last year when he showed pretty awfully, we did well. Nothing to be sad about. Heather cried and so did I, but maybe not because of the loss, but because it is now over No more expectations to win BIS or the Garden. Those will have to wait for another dog to come along. And you know they come along all of the time LOL...
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
What a great night
so, here we are in the Big Apple. Last night was amazing. THe family and good friends all went to Delmonicos Steak House THis is a beautiful restaurant in Manhattan. We had a wonderful dinner and laughed a lot. Thank you all who shared the night with us and allowed me to have a great birthday dinner. Now begins the longest day at the dog show.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Off to the big show
Well, it is here. The big show. Tanner is washed and looks great. Everything is getting packed for us and Tanner. Andrew is on his way and Mere and Tyler will be heading up. Very exciting. We will go to a wonderful dinner tonight with about 15 of our closest friends and than the LONG day tomorrow. I know, I know. Every year I say it is no big deal. it is just like every other show. but this will be his last Garden, and it would be really nice.... I wont even say it.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Birthday shopping
So yesterday was birthday lunch and shopping with my mom. It was really a great day Started at Panera bread for a yummy lunch and than off to shop The first place we went to she bought a shirt and I found the perfect dress to wear to NY but they did not have my size I was srt of bummed and really not about the shopping anymore But we continued on. At the next store, I really did not see anything Ilked but she saw this belt. Well I am really not a belt person, but if you know my mom, she loved it so I had to have it. I gave in and she spend 65 dollars on a brown belt. Then just by chance we stopped at a local consignment store and that is where we hit pay dirt She bought pants, a scarf, belt and wallet and I got 7 sweaters, for a grand total of 23 dollars. I felt better. It was a great day with my mom.
Friday, February 10, 2012
So Bummed
Well, no puppies for True. I cannot tell you how bummed I am. These darn dogs want to be extinct. THey don't get pregnant, they don't whelp their puppies,their puppies don't live for whatever reason. If it wasnt for us, there would not be a Bernese Mountain Dog. So, as we all do, we move forward. Hopefully Frieda, but I am not hopeful. We look forward.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
This government has lost its mind
So I have tried to not make this about my politics, but what is going on with this government has really crossed the line. Telling our religious institutions that they have to deny their religious doctrines that have been in place for more than 2000 years. This country was founded on religious freedom and freedom of conscience but this administration is so arrogant and far reaching that they think they can reach into our belief system. So if you are a non catholic and work for a catholic institution you have two choices if you choose to be on birth control. Get a new job, or pay for it your self Those are your choices.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
The Crying Medicine
So. we have put Freida on some herbs and homeopathic medicine to help her reproductive cycle. The problem is that Frieda hates to take her medicine. The funny thing is that she knows when it is coming. I go into the kitchen to get the pills and the liquid, she knows and on her belly scrunches across the floor to me crying the whole way. She rolls over oon her back, and takes the medicine, crying all the way. When I was away Newell was in charge of the medicine. He said, Do I have to give her the crying medicine. That is how it is now named. She is such a baby.
Monday, February 6, 2012
They are coming
So... after 4 longs weeks... we now have the very exciting news that our Roxie is going to have babies with Ricarron Pink Panther the FIninish National Specialty winner. We are sooo excited. at the end of the day, none of these puppies will be sold, because they will all be worth a million dollars, but they should be just gorgeous. SO like my friend Chris says, they will all stay "in the family". Cant wait to see them...
I love being home
So after many days away I am home, But... there is a downside. My roommate in Wildwood had the air conditioner on so low that it was freezing in the room. I mean, it wasn't August outside it was Feb. So, after many days and nights in a room at about 60 degrees, I have a nice little cold. Oh great. So today I will take it easy, clean my house, do my laundry and drink some tea to see if I can nip this in the bud. Wish me luck. don't want to be sick for the Garden...
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Home safe and sound
So the biig weekend in Wildwood is over. It was very successful with Mimi winning 2 of the three days and I always say that if you are going to lose you should do it on the last day so you can get home early. Stopped by the see the baby Tanner puppy and she looks promising. She is only 4 weeks old, but what I saw I liked. True is getting fat which is great news. Next week is the Garden. Time is flying by.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Happy Aniversary
So here I am in WIldwood NJ and it is my 28th year anniversary with Newell. I guess we have lost the idea that we need to be together and be all romantic. I mean it is only an anniversary and it is only 28 years. I mean that happens all of the time, right?? Soa this day will pass and go like it is just any other. But I would like him to know that it has been a great 28 years. I have two woonderful children and he has allowed me to indulge in my often crazy and very expensive hobby of these dogs. I don't know many men who would put up with me. So I am really glad I found the one that would I love you honey...
Friday, February 3, 2012
you stepped in whatt
So up early this morning to walk Mimi and the grass here is at a premium. So across the street we go to the little piece of straw there is Mimi is great about going. She knows the routine and doesn't waste any time It is dark, so be careful. We are all done and back into the elevator when I say, Mimi what is that smell?; I look at my shoes, clean. then see mimis back foot is covered in poopl How in the world did you step in poopl I thought that dogs had a second sense about that Not wanting to step in anothers pile so they instinctively stay away. But not Mimi, She is oblivious. She is too funny
Thursday, February 2, 2012
A Funny thing happened on the way to WIldwood
So, on my way to the dog show in Wildwood with Mimi. I am halfway to Baltimore and I realize there is no EZ pass in the car. I promptly call honey., Where is my EZ pass I say.. He says it is in the car. No way, I say it is not here. I pull over on I83 to search my jammed packed car to see if it has fallen onto the floor. Almost killing myself, well no EZ pass. I argue with honey that now I will have to spend my few dollars in cash that I have to pay for the tolls and that is going to be a big problem Pay the tolls with the credit card honey says.that is stupid.
So I pull up to the first toll booth cash in hand and the lady says don't you want your EZ pass to pay? I say where is it? She says I have no idea where it is but it is in your car so do you want to pay with the EZ pass, I say of course and off I go.
So I call honey and told him that the pass is somewhere in the car and if I dont know where it is I cant lose it SO there you go..
So I pull up to the first toll booth cash in hand and the lady says don't you want your EZ pass to pay? I say where is it? She says I have no idea where it is but it is in your car so do you want to pay with the EZ pass, I say of course and off I go.
So I call honey and told him that the pass is somewhere in the car and if I dont know where it is I cant lose it SO there you go..
Off to Wildwood
So, Miss Mimi and me leave today for a weekend of dog shows in Wildwood NJ. I decided not to bring Tanner, just too hard to have the two dogs and no one to help me So, it should be a nice weekend just her and I and my new book to read. I am really looking forward to it.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Its on the rise
So Ms Frieda seems to be doing what she is supposed to do. Yesterday Progesterone was 18 which means it is on the rise and hopefully getting ready for a pregnancy. Tanner is no longer interested and the Dr Sheerin now says it is up to Mother Nature Hey Mother Nature, do the right thing, we need some puppies around here
What is up with this weather
Yesterday, cold and windy. Today 60 degrees. What in the world is going on? Every day is like living in a different part of the country. One day is likel living in the northeast the next like living in Florieda. Everyone I know is sick. EIther with siinus or headaches, it is just not right. And the dogs, well they don't even know what to do. I guess no snow this year, until the spring of course.
Monday, January 30, 2012
To bring him or not
So.we are entered this weekend in WIldwood NJ The last time I was there for the dog show there was a blizzard and we were without power for the entire weekend , but that is another story for another time. Anyway, I am taking Mimi and Tanner, or maybe not. I have the two dogs and only me. Get the problem?? So, it will be easier to just leave Tanner home. I would then just have Mimi and it would be easy in and out. But the other half wants me to bring Tanner. Wants me to go up against the big dogs. I would just assume leave him home and enjoy the weekend with my book and my one dog Ummm what to do????
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Why I go to dog shows on the weekend
So I am home this weekend which does not happen often. So. I had to go outside and 'help" clean up the backyard, I had to shop at the Walmart with him "helping and now I have to watch a tennis match that I already know who won. Why I go to dog shows on the weekend is because I love my husband and want to keep it that way.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
I have one stupid dog
So, Mr Sneaky Pete wrecked my breeding plans for Freida. So we made the deciision to go ahead and do the breeding full force. Why not? If I am in for a penny I an in for a dollar. So we say Tanner have at it. Well now that he has free rein of her, he wont breeder her. What is wrong with this dog. He says, yea no really don't want to anymore. I only wanted to when I thought that someone else might get her, I dont want her but I don't want anyone else to have her either. I could sometimes just kill him. I also think that he is smatter than us. That is pretty sad.
Friday, January 27, 2012
ready or not
So the vet called and it looks like she ready. I will test her tomorrow and than again on Monday but if all goes normally, which it hasn't, she is ready to be bred. The question is should we try to get to another dog and do a dual sire litter or just go with Tanner. Tanner was never really my first choice for her. They were closely related and more importantly, she always gave me an out to another pedigree away from Tanner. But now how doI call someone and say, my bitch is ready today to be bred and by the way, Tanner has already bred her. So the best thing may just be to go all in on Tanner. Oh these dogs give me gray hair.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
So Tanner is one tricky dude. We have had girls in and out in season at the house and non of them have been for Tanner. So Freida came back in two months early and it caught us off guard. We had no dog planned and we were scrambling. Took her to the vet yesterday to see where she was at and was going to spend most of today trying to figure out what to do with her. Well, this morning I went out to call her and her and Tanner were tied. Well,well, well. Not exactly what I had planned. they are cousins. Not too close, but...
I went up to sit with them and Tanner gave me a look like no way was she going somewhere else. He gave no indication that she was ready, but she is. And he has never bred a girl this fast before, wham bam thank you mam. So we will see.
I went up to sit with them and Tanner gave me a look like no way was she going somewhere else. He gave no indication that she was ready, but she is. And he has never bred a girl this fast before, wham bam thank you mam. So we will see.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
picking the right dog
so this breeding stuff is not as easy as it looks I am trying very hard to find the perfect dog for each of my girls. I think that when I call a prospective stud dog owner, I have a pretty good package. My dogs are ch, with all of their health clearances. I have done my homework and by the time I have reached out to the owner of the stud dog I expect for them to be happy to work with me. That does not always happen. Sometimes for whatever reason the answer is no. I am always a bit shocked but it happens Now on to the next choice. This is not easy
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
This puppy
So we let the puppy out at night and he runs in the opposite direction of us. He is fearless. Last night he stumbled upon one of the bones. He wrestled it to the ground and brought it in the house. And that is when the fun began. All night the puppy lost control and gained control of the bone. When one of the big dogs got it from him, he barked and barked at them until he was able to get it back. Then he would run back and forth with this bone that was three times too big for him until one of the big guys took it away from him. This went on for most of the night. It was quite the show. Certainly better than anything on TV
Monday, January 23, 2012
Oh the Heartbreak
So, at my house we are kind of bummed. Yesterday we wait and wait for the big game to come on. Then we watch, we scream at the TV we cheer and we bite our nails. And then it happens, can we believe, we really cant it would be too much. They lose. All too closely they lose. What a disappointment. Our team, the Ravens lose in the most heartbreaking way. They had so many chances, and they don't take advantage. What a shame
Thursday, January 19, 2012
fighting is not allowed
So ever since True has been here, Freida has been a bit undone. Wr had one incidence when I was feeding them and Freida went after True and True gave it right back to. It was pretty scary, but no one was hurt. My issue was that I did not tell Newell about this. So when I got home late from work, all the girls were out together and Freida went after True again. It took both Newell and I to get them off each other. This time we have a few injuries. True has a puncture above her eye and Freida has one on her lip and jaw. We were all shaking and poor Fiona and Mimi were scared to death. everyone is ok, but new rule at my house no True and Frieda loose together.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
The wait begins
So off to pick up True this morning. she was bred over the weekend and all looked good. now we have to wait. we wait only about 4 weeks, but what a long four weeksmit will be. If she is pregnant, than tis will be\ the first litter here in a pretty long time. so lets keep all of our appendages crossed.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
So expensive
So when people ask me why my puppies cost so much money I should just show them what I spend in a year on the dogs. Just this weekend for example over 500.00. now that Tanner is not being specialed anymore, it should not cost me as much fo the year, butr I am still in a bit of a hole that I am struggling to get out of. A litter of puppies would go a long way to help my plight. But my experience is that if you begin to rely on the puppy money, you never have puppies and I have experienced this I hare not had a litter in almost 2 years. Much of this issue is that Freida has decided that she is not going to get pregnant again Also, the puppies that I have kept from her, have not worked for me for one reason or another, so Secret, Jada or kendra would be in the breeding program by now if they had worked out for me So I have Freida thatI will try again with this spring and Fiona who is an unknown. Fiona has passed all of her clearances, so now we ust have to let her grow up. Just hang on that is what I keep telling myself. Just hang on and it will turn around.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Go Ravens
So yesterday the Ravens played at home and Newell went to the game and I went to the dog show. But in honor of the game, I wore my Ravens jersey over my dog show clothes. I did look up the judges bio and he was not from Pittsburg or Texas I went with it. Well, he did not have a sense of humor and was very grumpy. So did not wiin with anyone, but I don't think it was because of my jersey and if it was, well then too bad. GO RAVENS
Sunday, January 15, 2012
The weekend in review
Spending the weekend with Georgeann and Bob is always really nice. I get my own room and space. I get fed excellent meals, and I am treated like a queen I love coming here. We also, got our bitch bred with great looking stuff. I was able to see the brother to Roland and he is holding together great. We collected Tanner and he still looks great, and Mimi won yesterday. Not so bad. So here we go into the show season.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Losing the breed
Well it happened. I lost with Tanner. It was OK Should we have lost, no but it happened like I knew it would. This judge loves Tanner and puts him up all of the time but without Heather on the end of the lead he really ddint know who he was and in the end went with the dog Heather was showing even though he is the total opposite of Tanner. It is all good. because at the end of the day, it makes losing the breed bearable when you win the major on the puppy bitch that is Tanners daughter and you get the opportunity to get picture with the judge and talk about how when Heather showed your dog he loved him and make him see the error ov his ways. It is all good..
Friday, January 13, 2012
What was I thinking
So.. Mere basically holds all the records at her high school for wormens basketball. Mostly she holds the all time leading scorer title. Well that record was broken a couple of weeks ago and that was great. That is what records are made for, to be broken and we were all very excited for the young woman who surpassed Meres achievement. Well tonight they were holding a little ceremony where Mere honored the girl who broke her record. It was nota big deal. A small ceremonty after the JV game.. I was going to the dog show and that was great, Newell would go with mere...we'll,,I guess it was a really big deal packed gym, tons of people asking where I was Media iterviewing Mere and I was not there. What was I thinking,,How could I not have known this was going to happen. When she was in high school she was a really big deal..I should have known that this would be a big deal. I guess just another thing that I can regret and feel bad about Oh how that list keeps growing.
And so it begins
So, this weekend begins the first time in a long time that Tanner wont be with Heather being shown, instead he wil be shown by me on a limited basis. I do a fine job showing him and I know that he is a nice dog. All of these judges this weekend have judged Tanner before and like him, but Heather has a new special. So I have to tell myself that we may lose, we probably willl lose And it wil be because the judges don't know me and it will take some time to show the judges that I am the real deal. I just know myself and losing with Tanner is not going to be easy. I just want to stay positive and have fun with him and not get mad if and when we lose. Wish me luck.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
How is it possible
So this breeding dog stuff can get pretty expensive. We all look for ways to make it as affordable as possible while still doing all we can to ensure pregnancy. On of the tools we use is trackig the progesterone on our females that are going to be bred. The issue is that depending on where you go the price of these tests can be very different. And throughout the course of the season you may need to run as many as 4 to 5 tests. Most of us are expecting to pay about 70 - 90 dollars per test. That is part of it so we bite the bullet and pay it. Recently I ran a test of Freida and it cost 135 dollars.. WOW no way. So can't go back there again. So I try a new guy yesterday for True. Repro guy probably expensive. Imagine my surprise when the total bill was 45 dollars Hello new doctor I am now your new client.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Cut off your nose.....
so.. I really don't get people. I know that through our lives, we get disappointed, people do things that we don't want them to or expect them to do. But why not take those things and turn them into a positive? Why not just wait and see how things turn out instead of trying to manipulate things. We have a situation now that is making me very upset. Our dear friend who has the most generous heart is being penalized for a decision that she and I made. I feel so bad or her but if I step in ( which I really want to do) I could then jeopardize myself. So the counsel is for me to stay quiet and out of it. I really feel bad for my friend and want to make it right, but I dont think I can. Why cant people just act like grownups. I guess some people are just so self absorbed that they cant see beyond their own being. too bad or them.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Busy, busy, busy
So, after spending the entire day yesterday at our health clinic, I got up early to get all of my ducks in a row I swabbed the puppy for dna, I got all the paperwork for the cerf and the heart checks to send off in the mail. Then I drove to Leesburg to pick up True who is not yet ready and swabbed the puppy down there for his dna. Then came home went food shopping and am cooking Newel and fabulous supper of chicken cordon bleu and asparagus. Then off to the shop to drop off the dog food and than home to bed because tomorrow is a work day. I don't know what I would do if I actually had a full time job. Probably cry a lot.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
The quiet morning
So one thing that happens with the new puppy here is we are getting up early to let the dogs out and on a Saturday morning Newell would prefer to bo back upstairs and go back to sleep.I thought about doing that this morning, but instead I made my coffee and even though it is really early decided to stqy downstairs with the puppy and enjoy the quiet of the morning. In few minutes I will have to get up and fee everyone, take a shower and head to Lancaster for the York Cluster meeting. So the day will start off like so many of them fast, so I am enjoying this quiet morning, just me, the dogs and a nice cup of coffee.
Friday, January 6, 2012
How many times
So how many times am I going to put the puppy out in his xpen and not latch the bottom clip and he figures it out and let himself out into the bqckyqrd to harass Tanner./ How many times? Well clearly more than what I have done already, since I did it again. And now True has decided she knows how to open the play area to run lose in the backyard with her nemisis Freida. Why cant everyone be happy with where I put them. I know best. Why don't they believe me?
Thursday, January 5, 2012
The Shuffle
So two bitches in season, another one ready to come in, and Tanner thinking they are all for him and ready to be bred, evernthough they are not. So 6 am comes, let the girls out, up to the top of the hill in the pen, while Tanner is crying away like the baby he is. Then let the baby out into his pen and than Willow and Tanner. Tanner runs up to the top of the hill just to make sure all of his girls are still here. Feeding them is just about as much fun.. GIrls get fed in the big pen, puppy in his pen, Willow on the patio and Tanner inside on the porch, not that he will be eating now for the next several weeks. And these girls are not even ready to be bred yet. Next week should be fun. The Shuffle keeping him away from them, thati is how you do The Shuffle.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Plan B
So if at first you don't succeed,, you know the rest. Freida is not pregnant, but there are some other option in the oven so to speak. Roxie is getting bred and I have a beautiful bitch coming here to be bred and whelped here. So all things work out the way they are supposed to. Just keep positive and dont get hung up on the things that dont happen. Hopefully all will work out.
New baby is doing great without his brother, He is learning to be a good dog without trying to rip our hands off. All good.
New baby is doing great without his brother, He is learning to be a good dog without trying to rip our hands off. All good.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Back to the Routine
Although it is great to have the holidays come with family, friends and all of the parties and gifts,it is nice to get back to the routine, So it was this morning. Up and 6 to let puppies and dogs out. Newell out the door by 7 and me here at the shop. The shop is not as busy which is nice, but the routine is back track.Out of here by 12:30, lunch and than my afternoon snooze. So for those of you who have forgotten, no call between 1 and 4. That is me time.
Monday, January 2, 2012
raising two puppies
So we have had the brilliant idea to take two of tanner's babies and grow them out WHAT A HUGE MISTAKE They are so bad and bratty. They spend most of their day, barking, biting and growling at either us, the other dogs or eah other. they have never heard the word no. They have never been in a crate or xpen and the one will sit in the xpen head looking at the sky like Snoopy howling at the moon unhappy about where he is..Willow is ready tpo kill them and looks at me with a look that says, if I hurt them consider yourself warned. Finally, they will collapse and lay on top of each other totally exhausted and we enjoy the quiet for as much time as we can get, which is not longMaybe a better idea will be to raise them separately. I think we should go with that.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Happy New Year. So as I begin this new year, I will start by trying to make some changes. First on my list. Drink less wine. I know, I know that is just crazy, but I am really going to try. We will see how that goes, wish me luck. I have lost over 15 pounds over the last several months and have a bit more to go, less wine might help me get over the hump. Now don't worry, I am not talking no more wine, just less.
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