Friday, May 20, 2011

The jungle across the street

So.. the lady across the street has run into some bad times. She is not well. She was the foster parent for the local pet shelter and she had way to many dogs and kids at her house. Well, this spring all the kids and the dogs were taken and now she is there by herself. She has decided not to cut the grass. Well, if you know anything about where we live, we have had some rain. Like Noah rain. 40 days and 40 nights of rain. So.. Her grass is way long. Like a jungle. Yesterday I took Newell outside and asked him if he thought anything looked odd. Looking across the street, I asked him if he thought maybe cutting this woman's grass might be in the best interest of the neighborhood and as a by product we would be helping her. He agreed, but only the front yard, not the back.. Why?? Well, it is so long in the back that he is afraid there are animals living back there and he doesn't want to break his tractor. I guess I can agree, but at what point does the back yard literally take over the house, and than what???

Thursday, May 19, 2011


So.. last night. In the middle of the night... I end up with both Willow and Tanner sitting on top of me in bed. Why?? you may ask.. There was a thunderstorm. Not a bad one.. but rumbling. Both dogs, both neurotic dogs, jumped up on top of me and drooled and panted in my face for a half an hour. OMG>> What the heck is going on? They are nuts...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Both of my children have great opportunities available to them. The question is do they take advantage of them, and the bigger question is how hard do I push. I learned my lesson a few years back, than when I didn't push, the opportunity passed and than I regreted not having said more. Here I am again. I see things a bit differently than they do, but I always do. And I only want them to be all that they can be. Sometimes I have to go head to head with them, but I know they know deep down that I want the best for them and want them to be spectacular. So, yes I am gearing up for a fight, one that I have been in before, but...I can do it. I hope they still love me in the end.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

When will I learn?

So.. when will I learn? If it doesn't directly involve me, I should just stay out of it, no matter how good my intentions are, it only ends up biting me in the butt... Lesson for today...

Monday, May 16, 2011

Stupid, stupid puppies

So,, after a long weekend of shows and now working as the assistant to Heather and Kevin.. I finally get home late last night. Newell and I sit down and have some dinner. We are eating. The dogs are outside.. I hear a noise. I say "What in the world is that noise" Newell responds.. "it is probably the puppies doing something they shouldn't" He gets up, and says " PUPPIES IN THE POOL,, PUPPIES IN THE POOL!!!".. We both run out and fish out both Aidan and Delia who are batting their little arms trying to get out of the pool. I can't find Fiona.. "Where is Fiona?" I scream.. Well, she is plastered up against the house. Her look.. I am not going anywhere near the big hole that just sucked in my friends. Wow!!! catastrophe diverted.. When will these guys realize they are not Jesus.. They can not walk on water.... WHEW!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Still no BIS

So, we travel all the way to West VA in the hopes of snagging that elusive BIS. The end of the weekend brings one Group 2 and three Group 1's but still no BIS. I feel that if we could just get one it would be like the flood gates opening up and then we could start rolling in them. But we have to find that one judge who can overlook the Scottie or the pekinese and give it to the Berner. Maybe it won't happen at all. Oh well.