Wednesday, February 29, 2012

So now we wait....again

Here we go again. Fiona is bred to TImer. Numbers were right on for her... His numbers were great. Now in 4 weeks we should find out if she is bred. Now, we have all been down this path before, so lets not get ahead of ourselves. I am getting calls day after day from people desperately wanting a puppy from me, and I am reluctant to even speak of this. I think that I am jinxing myself by talking about these breedings before they actually become a reality. SO maybe I should just be quiet about it and see if my Karma changes.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

stud dogs are dumb

so, stud dogs arre dumb. I sent my Fiona down to Timer to be bred. Well initially Timer was all over her, but after a few times he laid down and was very tired She stood over him and practically begged him to breed her even one time smackiing him in the face with hs tail but he was tired and went to sleep. I think stud dogs are dumb.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

No, not basketball

So,what we do for our kids Today, on a beautiful Sunday afternoon Newell and I are on our way to Harrisburg to watch Tyler play in a basketball game. Now, we have watched Tyler play a ton Mostly when he was on the final four team for the Georgetown Hoyas. Today I suspect will be a bit different. First off the game is in a middle school not at the Verizon center. Than he tells us that we will probably be the only fans there. And than when I ask Mere how long wilt he game be, she rolls her eyes and says that it truly the longest game ever and to bring my IPad so I can read my book. Now, how am I suppose to get excited about this when they are making it sooo desirable. Well, here goes nothing.

Friday, February 24, 2012


So Freida is not pregnant AGAIN... UGH.. Now what to do? There are two options. On the one hand, my vet says lets put her on some anti biotics for a few weeks, reculture her to make sure she no longer has her infection and than try her again. THe other vet, we like to call her Mega Vet would have us do a whole workup and than go for it. This would probably cost a few thousand dollars. I guess the third option would be to give up and just spay her. I know that Newell is feeling that this hole we have dug for ourselves is pretty large and hard to get out of. I am feeling the same way. We are breeding Fiona, but if there is an infection here, does she have it as well? i guess we find out after she is bred. I am feeling a bit stressed and sad. These damn dogs.. We not only have too many at the moment, the ones we have are not pulling their weight.. UGH>>>

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Too Many Dogs. Newell and I have always thought there would be a number A number of dogs that when we reached that number it would be too many. Well, I think we are getting close We have 8 dogs at the house right now. 8 is a lot. It is a lot when one is in season, two don't like each other and the boys are eyeing each other like don't get too close Now in my defense, True is not mine and neither is Mimi and both will be leaving for their homes in the near future, and Aiden wil be looking for a new home as well, so that gets us down to our normal number. Wish comes next week, and Roland also is not mine But this morning with everyone having a bark and trying to keep everyone in their place, it seems like TMD

Monday, February 20, 2012

Second day, not as good

I always say it is not about the winning Sure we all like to win and that is basically why we do this so we win, but in the end, everyone gets a chance. but... what happened at PV the second day was terrible. The judge ran her ring in such a way as to keep the entire gallery puzzled and confused. In the bred by class, she examined my girl and sent her to the front of the line. Well, that always means good things. So when some of the other girls came up behind us, we were all pretty jazzed that we were going to do well. Not so fast. After she was done with the class, she excused those of us that she had moved to the front. We were all shocked. I felt that it was pretty rude and disrespectful, but she is the judge.

In the breed she pretty much did the same thing with Tanner. We made the cut, she moved him again and than put him up front and told me to relax with him. When it was all said and done, he got nothing. I was so bummed. Not that we didnt win but that she had dangled the carrot in front of me. SO. the moral of this story, be prepared, don't count your chickens,, blah blah all the cliches. And NEVER show to this judge again. That should not be too hard to remember.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

All is well

SO. we are traveling in the new RV at the dog show. It is truly amazing. Really big with all the high tech stuff you can imagine. THe only things is the TV is not the best. Now I could have predicted this. Anytime there is more than one remote and I am in charge, it is a pure disaster. SO. here we are this great flat screen TV and G and I cant figure out how to make it work. WE have no signal, than we have no local channel but can watch an hour of infomercials. We than have the channel long enough to figure out what the show is about and than it blacks out. BOy or boy BOB is in trouble

Oh. and by the way... Tanner was Select dog, so it is all well in the end.

Friday, February 17, 2012

another dog show

Well my famous saying... next weekend is another dog show and there is no quicker way to get over a dog show loss than to go to the next dog show So we wash dogs again, and pack the car and than off to Frederick for the Specialty. It should be great Tons of Berners, Mimi and Tanner entered What could be better? Well, hopefully a win or two.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


So it has been a few days for me to get over the loss. And now I am over it. It is is hard to explain the expectations that come with this dog show every year and we go in trying to play down the expectations but year after year we go in thinking this is the year. And in our case we just come close but never win it Andrew says we are like the Ravens..a really good team that almost gets the big win But oh well, we are done We did it for 4 years,and except for last year when he showed pretty awfully, we did well. Nothing to be sad about. Heather cried and so did I, but maybe not because of the loss, but because it is now over No more expectations to win BIS or the Garden. Those will have to wait for another dog to come along. And you know they come along all of the time LOL...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What a great night

so, here we are in the Big Apple. Last night was amazing. THe family and good friends all went to Delmonicos Steak House THis is a beautiful restaurant in Manhattan. We had a wonderful dinner and laughed a lot. Thank you all who shared the night with us and allowed me to have a great birthday dinner. Now begins the longest day at the dog show.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Off to the big show

Well, it is here. The big show. Tanner is washed and looks great. Everything is getting packed for us and Tanner. Andrew is on his way and Mere and Tyler will be heading up. Very exciting. We will go to a wonderful dinner tonight with about 15 of our closest friends and than the LONG day tomorrow. I know, I know. Every year I say it is no big deal. it is just like every other show. but this will be his last Garden, and it would be really nice.... I wont even say it.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Birthday shopping

So yesterday was birthday lunch and shopping with my mom. It was really a great day Started at Panera bread for a yummy lunch and than off to shop The first place we went to she bought a shirt and I found the perfect dress to wear to NY but they did not have my size I was srt of bummed and really not about the shopping anymore But we continued on. At the next store, I really did not see anything Ilked but she saw this belt. Well I am really not a belt person, but if you know my mom, she loved it so I had to have it. I gave in and she spend 65 dollars on a brown belt. Then just by chance we stopped at a local consignment store and that is where we hit pay dirt She bought pants, a scarf, belt and wallet and I got 7 sweaters, for a grand total of 23 dollars. I felt better. It was a great day with my mom.

Friday, February 10, 2012

So Bummed

Well, no puppies for True. I cannot tell you how bummed I am. These darn dogs want to be extinct. THey don't get pregnant, they don't whelp their puppies,their puppies don't live for whatever reason. If it wasnt for us, there would not be a Bernese Mountain Dog. So, as we all do, we move forward. Hopefully Frieda, but I am not hopeful. We look forward.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

This government has lost its mind

So I have tried to not make this about my politics, but what is going on with this government has really crossed the line. Telling our religious institutions that they have to deny their religious doctrines that have been in place for more than 2000 years. This country was founded on religious freedom and freedom of conscience but this administration is so arrogant and far reaching that they think they can reach into our belief system. So if you are a non catholic and work for a catholic institution you have two choices if you choose to be on birth control. Get a new job, or pay for it your self Those are your choices.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Crying Medicine

So. we have put Freida on some herbs and homeopathic medicine to help her reproductive cycle. The problem is that Frieda hates to take her medicine. The funny thing is that she knows when it is coming. I go into the kitchen to get the pills and the liquid, she knows and on her belly scrunches across the floor to me crying the whole way. She rolls over oon her back, and takes the medicine, crying all the way. When I was away Newell was in charge of the medicine. He said, Do I have to give her the crying medicine. That is how it is now named. She is such a baby.

Monday, February 6, 2012

They are coming

So... after 4 longs weeks... we now have the very exciting news that our Roxie is going to have babies with Ricarron Pink Panther the FIninish National Specialty winner. We are sooo excited. at the end of the day, none of these puppies will be sold, because they will all be worth a million dollars, but they should be just gorgeous. SO like my friend Chris says, they will all stay "in the family". Cant wait to see them...

I love being home

So after many days away I am home, But... there is a downside. My roommate in Wildwood had the air conditioner on so low that it was freezing in the room. I mean, it wasn't August outside it was Feb. So, after many days and nights in a room at about 60 degrees, I have a nice little cold. Oh great. So today I will take it easy, clean my house, do my laundry and drink some tea to see if I can nip this in the bud. Wish me luck. don't want to be sick for the Garden...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Home safe and sound

So the biig weekend in Wildwood is over. It was very successful with Mimi winning 2 of the three days and I always say that if you are going to lose you should do it on the last day so you can get home early. Stopped by the see the baby Tanner puppy and she looks promising. She is only 4 weeks old, but what I saw I liked. True is getting fat which is great news. Next week is the Garden. Time is flying by.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Happy Aniversary

So here I am in WIldwood NJ and it is my 28th year anniversary with Newell. I guess we have lost the idea that we need to be together and be all romantic. I mean it is only an anniversary and it is only 28 years. I mean that happens all of the time, right?? Soa this day will pass and go like it is just any other. But I would like him to know that it has been a great 28 years. I have two woonderful children and he has allowed me to indulge in my often crazy and very expensive hobby of these dogs. I don't know many men who would put up with me. So I am really glad I found the one that would I love you honey...

Friday, February 3, 2012

you stepped in whatt

So up early this morning to walk Mimi and the grass here is at a premium. So across the street we go to the little piece of straw there is Mimi is great about going. She knows the routine and doesn't waste any time It is dark, so be careful. We are all done and back into the elevator when I say, Mimi what is that smell?; I look at my shoes, clean. then see mimis back foot is covered in poopl How in the world did you step in poopl I thought that dogs had a second sense about that Not wanting to step in anothers pile so they instinctively stay away. But not Mimi, She is oblivious. She is too funny

Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Funny thing happened on the way to WIldwood

So, on my way to the dog show in Wildwood with Mimi. I am halfway to Baltimore and I realize there is no EZ pass in the car. I promptly call honey., Where is my EZ pass I say.. He says it is in the car. No way, I say it is not here. I pull over on I83 to search my jammed packed car to see if it has fallen onto the floor. Almost killing myself, well no EZ pass. I argue with honey that now I will have to spend my few dollars in cash that I have to pay for the tolls and that is going to be a big problem Pay the tolls with the credit card honey says.that is stupid.
So I pull up to the first toll booth cash in hand and the lady says don't you want your EZ pass to pay? I say where is it? She says I have no idea where it is but it is in your car so do you want to pay with the EZ pass, I say of course and off I go.

So I call honey and told him that the pass is somewhere in the car and if I dont know where it is I cant lose it SO there you go..

Off to Wildwood

So, Miss Mimi and me leave today for a weekend of dog shows in Wildwood NJ. I decided not to bring Tanner, just too hard to have the two dogs and no one to help me So, it should be a nice weekend just her and I and my new book to read. I am really looking forward to it.